Shapeoko CNC Mill Kit

Beginning of this year (2018) I joined the club of Shapeoko CNC machine owners 🙂

I got mine from here in Germany. It took me a few days to assemble the kit.
Assembly in pictures in my Google Photo Galerie
My first test was some plotting using a pencil.
It took me a while to find the right cnc tools to generate the toolpath.
Most cnc tools (CAM) require Windows but I only have a Linux PC in my workshop. Pycam worked but crashed when reading a SVG file. I ended up using FlatCAM for Linux (meant for PCB milling) to do the plotting.

Luckily my GcodePrintr 3D Print App required a few modifications only to work with the GRBL firmware running on the Shapeoko electronics. My goal is to publish a modified version of the App for CNC milling (App name will be GcodeCNC). I’ll keep you posted.